
3.107 Miles = 5k. That's my first time going that far. 

26 September 2020

1 Mile under 13 Minutes!


I'm sticking with it. Took a running break today (12 September 2020) and took a nice long hike in the rain. 

Labor day (7 September 2020) I hit a bit of a milestone and ran two miles!



Running? On Troy's page? Maybe jogging, or silly looking speedwalking would be a better description?

Learning that obesity put me at a greater risk of dying of covid-19 was a bit of a wake up call and I'm trying to work on that. 

I'm working from home and with no commute I have a bit more time to do something about it. Toward the end of July 2020 I started walking a mile every day at lunch at the greenway at the end of the block. One day I started jogging a bit, the next day I did a bit more, and so on. One Saturday when I was frustrated with a video game, (and frustrated with myself for being frustrated with a video game) I went to the end of the block for my walk and in a self-hatred fueled rage I ran the whole loop, about .85 mi. 

I had done it once, knew that I could, and I've been doing it most every day since. Been adding a partial loop or weaving to get my phone to register a full mile, and been trying to get that mile to under 14 minutes. 

Started logging when I got a new phone

Not the first "run" but the first one I tracked time and distance. Includes time for cool down walking from 1.0 mi to 1.23 mi

See image below for "post run bliss" and the effect of the "runner's high" 


"Progress" It looks like I was getting slower? Maybe I was. Seems like the music I listen to has an impact. I'm open to your suggestions. 

17 August 2020

Getting "quicker"

24 August 2020

Started weaving to get a mile in without back tracking

31 August 2020

Gonna get under 14 Min soon.

For the anti-maskers out there...

324 lbs when I started and I run a mile a day WITH A MASK ON. So miss me with that mess about not being able to breathe with a mask on while you get groceries. 

Jace comes with me

When he's over on weekends Jace has been coming with me. He leaves me in the dust and I catch up to him at the end.