
Deleting Facebook

6 September 2020

I've had Facebook deactivated off and on for a few months now and have not really missed it. In fact, I feel better avoiding it so I've made the decision to let it go and delete it all. 

While I do want to get rid of Facebook I struggle with the risk of losing touch with friends and family.

I want to stay in touch with you so reach out to me via messenger with email address, home address, phone number or your preferred contact method(s). I'll reply back with the same. 

There's also a handy form below, provide as much or as little info as you're comfortable with. Name is the only required field.

I'm giving it one week then FB and messenger will be dead to me effective: 13 September 2020

Ways to still reach me after that:

Feel free to check here, and if I'm not updating enough send me a text or email to let me know.

For text I'm using Signal for a little more security. Full encryption for text messages to and from other Signal users.

I'll still be on instagram . Yeah, I know it's still facebook, kinda. 

If you're feeling really geeky I also suggest Mastodon. It's kinda like twitter, but there's no central company that controls it. It's community owned and AD FREE! I'm 


6 September 2020

I've gone by "dorx" or "dorxincandeland" in video games for quite a while. It works out to 'Dorks in Candyland' and when 13 year old me first punched that into a keyboard it wasn't just a name. It was a goal: Find a match and build a good life together. This site is about that match, and that life. We think it rocks. Welcome to